Download Manual openbox x5 linux for beginners

Hello I just installed arch linux I installed all the things that the CD asks for, LIB, DEV, CORE, and another one. Also I went through pacman -Syu to update my system to the latest I'm trying to install openbox I type pacman -S openbox manual openbox x5 linux for beginners when I run openbox with exec openbox, it gives me the error: "Openbox-Message: Filed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable. I don't mean to offend, but you might find the beginner's guide a good reading From part 6 on it's about X, there's also part about openbox. And generally, you don't want to run things as root, unless necessary like pacman. Home Packages Forums Wiki Bugs Security AUR Download. You are not logged in. I am thinking I need like X11 or something like that. When I type exec openbox-session as root, I get stuff saying no hsetroot How do I fix this? Re: openbox setup help. Yes, manual openbox x5 linux for beginners need to install X. Networking, Server, and Protection.

Openbox-Skybox installation tutorial-user manual - Openbox HD
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